Well, well, well... if you want to know my honest opinion about how must be the psichology' study programme, I going to start to say that my honest opinion is psichology must be in the philosophy' faculty.
This honest and not malicious opinion say the psichology' curriculum have to include a deep knowledge about philosophy: epistemology, metaphysics, ethics... In conclusion, that the first year or two year psichology must share subjects with philosophy, psichology have to have the same curriculum of philosophy for one or two years. This is absolutely necessary for dominate a critical and comprehensive mind at the service of the psique. Psique is the object of psichology FORGET THAT IS PROHIBITED!
The workload must be intensive, but with breather for the spirit and imagination. Less learn techniques, more know thyself -yourself. About the lenght I don`t know. Five years sound appropriate but repeat, I don't have a solid opinion about that
About Faculty facilities the career have to have the infrastructure in accordance with his nobility how discipline. About technology I dont know and about methods I dont know too.
What? still missing words on this blog...I have already said everything, I do not know anything more about my study programme... psichology, psichology, psichology... you are beautiful and demanding, so nymph how member of the furies... psichology, psichology, psichology, what do you do in this decadent world? you wander how stranger in a stranger land, may be you have lost your object? Ohhh... my darling Psichology, I recognise you! a broken loving, that you are.
Cicerón said "If you have a garden and library, you have it all", so... in this summer I want it all. Unfortunately I do not have a garden, but the air and sea of the south replace it enough. I also do not have a library, and the library in my city is unfortunately poor. So I'm already participating in my great enterprise to print and photocopy books from the university library to read them in the summer ... and there will be many.
I do not plan to visit any place, the only thing I want is to have time to read what I want to read and be in family.
I do not plan to work in the summer, once I thought about it, but I'm so in need of time that it would be my ruin. I am hungry, the psique also needs food. Study? Of course, but what I want. Philosophy, and literature mainly. I also want to see many movies that are in my list of movies to watch, many classic and new ones.
Well, well, well, I have already said everything, I do not know anything mmore about the sumer and I and still missing words on this blog... Let me tell you about the flowers, they are very beautiful, are not they? But none attain to the majestic sublimity that the germans called die blue blume. Of course they were not any, were the romantics, and the light they put on the world still resonates after so many years and after so much darkness and mediocrity come to the world.
We have enough words now! Hallelujah brothers!
Like Diogenes, Im looking for an honest man... I only need only one! Yes, a man I want to meet. My fortune is a good teacher, because I don't know any man in the present and for that, I'm obligate to read books. For now I found three men.
Henry David Thoreau, he is the man! the hermit of concord. Thoreau made pencils, but he leave that because he was achieved the perfect pencil!, he lived two years a wild live in a cabin fabricated by him for live to the marrow all this that we designated life. The will to experience in the name of true, that I admire, his book Walden, is a treasure for all man in the city that think his life is not fully good.
Oh, who come there? Oh, is Georg Friedrich Philipp Freiherr von Hardenberg, best knew how Novalis! he is the man! Poet and philosopher, he knew the tragedy of live, he lost his beloved and his answer to the gods was knew the absolute. His strong and sweet melancholy is the example of the romantic heart, his Hymns to the Night is live and death at the same time!
Oh, oh, oh... Who is that? may be the devil, may be an angel, oh... is Søren Kierkegaard, he is the man, yes... he is the man! Theologian, philosopher , psychologist and writer... is one of the most important names in the history human thought. His pathos, and affliction for the existence, only the pure existence... He revealed our situation, angst and desperation for be self! His Fear and Trembling , The Concept of Anxiety and The Sickness Unto Death are the most valued knowledge that I have!
Yes, I'm looking a honest man, but would be a good idea start that hunt with me.