Saturday, June 4, 2016

An Expert on your Field

What is my field? in the " academic ", psychology , of course. But what psychology ? certainly there are many psychologies. So wath ? the Authentic , which is another way of saying , the psychology that scrutinize our deepest nature. Existential Psychology should be , and an expert in that field is Soren Kierkegaard, the first existentialist.

Born on May 5 of 1813 and died on November 11 of 1855. theologian, philosopher , psychologist and writer, is one of the most important names in the history human thought , focusing all his thoughts about the existing individual and his relationship with the unknown or God, exalting the subjectivity as the only means by which to know the truth, which is myself, that is, freedom.

Kierkegaard wrote many books , including the most popular are "Either / Or" , "Fear and Trembling" , "The Concept of Anxiety" and "Works of Love" . He was also owner and editor of the magazine The Corsair , critique of the official Danish Church.

I love Soren Kierkegaard , it is impossible to be cold with a man that made ​​his life something true . His books are delicious for thought, acute for the heart , but above all, food for the man.