Tuesday, December 13, 2016

English Languages Challenges

My audience, all start is a delayed end, and this is the end of a start that I begun since two years: the english class. I going to be honest... I always understand the english class how an annoyance. The academic semester is very hard with only subjects of my career, and English only make the hardness more hard. However, this english class are delicious, yes, very pleasant and in class all is very very good. This are a very good english class. I have shame, I don't studied enough... The English Challenge is very very present in my mind... the victory will be mine, some day. My wish is read books in english.

Oh, my dear audience, in this class I meet you. This class was a connection point between the world that we know and the twilight zone (tiririririri). The blog was a wonderful experience.

What aspects of my English need to be improved and what is the plan for this? I going to be meticulous: I need improved all my English. Grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation... all! The joke is the next: now I want learn Germany... The plan will be consist in a revision of all the english class, from English #1 but how is common say... "with conscience" and very much time and cafe.

Outside the english class I not using very much my poor English, only for try sing, but the result is a mixture between english, spanish and sanskrit... yes, sanskrit.

This is all for now, This was me, for you, from the twilight zone. Be good and know yourself. 

...End of Transmission.-