Tuesday, December 13, 2016

English Languages Challenges

My audience, all start is a delayed end, and this is the end of a start that I begun since two years: the english class. I going to be honest... I always understand the english class how an annoyance. The academic semester is very hard with only subjects of my career, and English only make the hardness more hard. However, this english class are delicious, yes, very pleasant and in class all is very very good. This are a very good english class. I have shame, I don't studied enough... The English Challenge is very very present in my mind... the victory will be mine, some day. My wish is read books in english.

Oh, my dear audience, in this class I meet you. This class was a connection point between the world that we know and the twilight zone (tiririririri). The blog was a wonderful experience.

What aspects of my English need to be improved and what is the plan for this? I going to be meticulous: I need improved all my English. Grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation... all! The joke is the next: now I want learn Germany... The plan will be consist in a revision of all the english class, from English #1 but how is common say... "with conscience" and very much time and cafe.

Outside the english class I not using very much my poor English, only for try sing, but the result is a mixture between english, spanish and sanskrit... yes, sanskrit.

This is all for now, This was me, for you, from the twilight zone. Be good and know yourself. 

...End of Transmission.-

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Changes to My Study Programme

Well, well, well... if you want to know my honest opinion about how must be the psichology' study programme, I going to start to say that my honest opinion is psichology must be in the philosophy' faculty. 

This honest and not malicious opinion say the psichology' curriculum have to include a deep knowledge about philosophy: epistemology, metaphysics, ethics... In conclusion, that the first year or two year psichology must share subjects with philosophy, psichology have to have the same curriculum of philosophy for one or two years. This is absolutely necessary for dominate a critical and comprehensive mind at the service of the psique. Psique is the object of psichology FORGET THAT IS PROHIBITED!

The workload must be intensive, but with breather for the spirit and imagination. Less learn techniques, more know thyself -yourself. About the lenght I don`t know. Five years sound appropriate but repeat, I don't have a solid opinion about that

About Faculty facilities the career have to have the infrastructure in accordance with his nobility how discipline. About technology I dont know and about methods I dont know too.

What? still missing words on this blog...I have already said everything, I do not know anything more about my study programme... psichology, psichology, psichology... you are beautiful and demanding, so nymph how member of the furies... psichology, psichology, psichology, what do you do in this decadent world? you wander how stranger in a stranger land, may be you have lost your object? Ohhh... my darling Psichology,  I recognise you! a broken loving, that you are.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Cicerón said "If you have a garden and library, you have it all", so... in this summer I want it all. Unfortunately I do not have a garden, but the air and sea of the south replace it enough. I also do not have a library, and the library in my city is unfortunately poor. So I'm already participating in my great enterprise to print and photocopy books from the university library to read them in the summer ... and there will be many.

I do not plan to visit any place, the only thing I want is to have time to read what I want to read and be in family.

I do not plan to work in the summer, once I thought about it, but I'm so in need of time that it would be my ruin. I am hungry, the psique also needs food. Study? Of course, but what I want. Philosophy, and literature mainly. I also want to see many movies that are in my list of movies to watch, many classic and new ones. 

Well, well, well, I have already said everything, I do not know anything mmore about the sumer and I and still missing words on this blog... Let me tell you about the flowers, they are very beautiful, are not they? But none attain to the majestic sublimity that the germans called die blue blume. Of course they were not any, were the romantics, and the light they put on the world still resonates after so many years and after so much darkness and mediocrity come to the world. 

We have enough words now! Hallelujah brothers!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Someone I'd like to meet... I want to meet a man!

Like Diogenes, Im looking for an honest man... I only need only one! Yes, a man I want to meet. My fortune is a good teacher, because I don't know any man in the present and for that, I'm obligate to read books. For now I found three men. 

Henry David Thoreau, he is the man! the hermit of concord. Thoreau made pencils, but he leave that because he was achieved the perfect pencil!, he lived two years a wild live in a cabin fabricated by him for live to the marrow all this that we designated life. The will to experience in the name of true, that I admire, his book Walden, is a treasure for all man in the city that think his life is not fully good. 

Oh, who come there? Oh, is Georg Friedrich Philipp Freiherr von Hardenberg, best knew how Novalis! he is the man! Poet and philosopher, he knew the tragedy of live, he lost his beloved and his answer to the gods was knew the absolute. His strong and sweet melancholy is the example of the romantic heart, his Hymns to the Night is live and death at the same time!

Oh, oh, oh... Who is that? may be the devil, may be an angel, oh... is Søren Kierkegaard, he is the man, yes... he is the man! Theologian, philosopher , psychologist and writer... is one of the most important names in the history human thought. His pathos, and affliction for the existence, only the pure existence... He revealed our situation, angst and desperation for be self! His Fear and Trembling , The Concept of Anxiety and The Sickness Unto Death are the most valued knowledge that I have!

Yes, I'm looking a honest man, but would be a good idea start that hunt with me.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Postgraduate Studies

I want to study something "postgraduate studies", that is something that I have planned -and that is rare by me- because I'm hungry of knowledge. I want study and love a lot, for that I don`t need de university of postgraduate studies, but for enter to the academia' world, have a job, participate of discussions and certainly "tune" the knowledge, I need study and have postgraduate studies and I wait that my mom too.

The subjects that I would like study are -in general terms- Philosophy, all about the irrational philosophy, metaphysics, romanticism, existencialism... and (more specific) Psychology, all about phenomenology and existential' psychology.

Where I would like to study postgraduate studies? in a university of course, but the country , if in Chile or abroad ... I would like study in Germany, that is a country when the thinks that I have study born, so... is perfect. But study in Chile is well too, I'm hungry.

How I would like to study? I don`t know about this, but I want to study -the postgraduate studies- with all the seriousness and with all the time for this. But study and in the same time work in something to pay the studies sound good.

Something other relevant idea? Yes, How not? I have many, MANY relevant ideas hahahaha yeees, I have many, many.... Ok, not. But I'm work for you, for me and for all my friends. :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

My future job.............

Well, well, well... My audience, you don´t have to judge me, Im only a stranger in a stranger land. I have hungry of knowledge, but principally hungry of me. I do not interested of the external world, I am in the twilight zone.

The first rule in the twilight zone, is "Oh my God, what is this ****?" So, in the twilight zone the person have not idea of what job want to have, the person want to save his life. But the person can imagine a good job, with peace, flowers and understanding -about the ****. Outdoors or indoors? indoors, because the person need a desk and silence, but the free time must be in outdoors... the person need walk and nature.

The imaginable job by the person need to travel sometimes, but only sometimes. The person need think, inspire and write... the person need a office, and a garden... garden? not, the person need woods!  The person imagine take majors about psychology and philosophy -go deep and to the heights!. The person in the twilight zone need that.

The man need to do something, the man want a job, but he is on a piece of paper without nothing written, What will be do the man? Hi is that piece of paper or a sign not yet written? Nothing have meaning, but all have meaning too... in the twilight zone.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Election day

Welll, well, well... It will be difficult that I write two hundred words with this topic, so I demand the Muses for the necessary inspiration for this arduos work.

Well, the elections... I don`t now if I going to vote in the next election. I would go to the corresponding place and vote for the most decent candidate (obviously, first I need research some information about the candidates in Internet). Or... I wouldn`t go to corresponding place and vote for the most decent candidate and stay in my apartment and read interesting books... In conclusion, I don`t now.

The electoral campaigns are good, necessary for the information and gather people and discuss about the society that we have, the problem is the politics level, ¡Not the politics! The politics are necessary and all respectable man must to participate in the politics, when the thought, actions and dreams. Yes, dreams! that is the quality most important for me, the most valued, because in this days that is a rarity. We must come back to the Romantic Man! That is my "constructive criticism" to my district and the world. I have been touched to consider be a "Politician", but first I need to ascend the plato' cave and see the sun.

¡209 words!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Cowboy Bebop (My Favorite TV show)

I have many tv series that I love, really love. That tv series are like the life limited into a electronic device. But the art make here its magic, and that work - the tv series in this case- are more closer to life, the reality and the true.

Cowboy Bebop is one of those! Spike Spiegel and Jet Black are bounty hunters, chase criminals and bring them in a live to the police for a reward. But all will be complicate when Vicious, member of the criminal Red Dragon Syndicate appear and relive the deadly rivarly with Spike, besides Julia, the broken heart of Spike appear too... Besides of they, others important character are Faye Valentine, Edward Wong and Ein, a genetically-engineered dog.

What is my favorite episode? ohh... that is a hard question, I will say -only for now- the episode when sound a divine song, I think... episode 23? maybe 24?

I enjoyed and suffer Cowboy Bebop beacuse is a work about the life, is a hybrid of many genres -comedy, caper story, action, thriller and film noir- but the most important is its philosophical themes that the tv serie explore: existencialism, the existential boredom, loneliness and the past.

See you space cowboy...

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

La Ley in concert

Well, well, well... Fortunately in the past summer I decided to do something different and I went to go La Ley in their concert in Puerto Varas. Otherwise... that was my first concenrt in my life -really-, and concerning my death, I don´t now. (wait... what?)

It was a settled debt, because exactly when I knew La Ley and I started to listen their music, the band breakup. That was in 2005.  Since 2005 I listen La ley consistently. The average is five songs for day.

The concert was in Casino Dreams and was cool!, finally in live. Their started with El Borde, amazing new song, with the strong of their past album Vertigo (1998), not enymore present. Dia Cero, Child, Paraiso, Animal, Reino de la verdad, El Duelo, Hombre... others songs that I remember that was amazing in the scene.

I went with my mom and my sister, we enjoy all the concert. La Ley have a enormous repertoire, with enormous changes. La Ley always is different in each album, The music of Desiertos (1990), Doble Opuesto (1991), La Ley (1993), Invisible (1995), Vertigo (1998), Uno (2000), Libertad (2003) and Adaptación (2016) is very different, antagonistic even. But, La Ley is La Ley.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A place I would like to visit

Oooh, the glory, the epic, the magnanimity! The place that I want to visit is not a country, quite the contrary, is a specific place in United State, a country that except for this place and a man I don`t have liking. This place is the Walden Pond, a lake in Concord, Massachusetts. This place is magnific, but I want to visit it because a man lived there, someone that created a divine atmosphere through a book... Yes, this great man is Henry David Thoreau.

What I know about it?, well, that... There H.D. Thoreau lived two years a wild live that grow to be a spiritual live. Besides this lake is beautifull, very pure and crystalline. In there I would visit the Thoreau' cabin, I would walk in the wood and obviously, swim the lake!

If I would like to study, work, or live there? of course! Live there is study to himself, all that while it is necesary work for the survive with what is essential.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Welcome again (First class)

Well, well, well... Who would say this? This is me, again... and the eternal return. This is something new, but a repetition too. Basically I would writte exactly the same. My name is the same -Mauricio-, my age is the same -twenty one-, and my career is the same-Psichology.
What I think respect my weaknesses is same the same -vocavulary, grammar, pronunciation... all-, my strenght in english is the same - the wish to learn (a wish that wait for a miracle)-, and my expectation is the same -do this wish a fact.

If I am the same after the English level 3, is basically because my wish is a slacker wish, but this is other story...

Level 4 - Term 2 - 2016

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

A Subject you have enjoyed studying this semester

This semester has been a very boring semester... except for English, of course , and "The tragic and the comic in the plot". It is a philosophy course dedicated to the study of drama and theatrical and cinematic narrative mainly . In each class the teacher talks about a particular text that introduces an original perspective on the subject.

The content we've seen is from Aristoteles treaty on the poetike until Mckee , a scholar of contemporary screenplays . We have also read "Edipo Rey" and watched No Country for Old Men . Very good movie.

I really like the course because it is on a topic that interesting me very much , besides the teacher knows a lot.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

An Expert on your Field

What is my field? in the " academic ", psychology , of course. But what psychology ? certainly there are many psychologies. So wath ? the Authentic , which is another way of saying , the psychology that scrutinize our deepest nature. Existential Psychology should be , and an expert in that field is Soren Kierkegaard, the first existentialist.

Born on May 5 of 1813 and died on November 11 of 1855. theologian, philosopher , psychologist and writer, is one of the most important names in the history human thought , focusing all his thoughts about the existing individual and his relationship with the unknown or God, exalting the subjectivity as the only means by which to know the truth, which is myself, that is, freedom.

Kierkegaard wrote many books , including the most popular are "Either / Or" , "Fear and Trembling" , "The Concept of Anxiety" and "Works of Love" . He was also owner and editor of the magazine The Corsair , critique of the official Danish Church.

I love Soren Kierkegaard , it is impossible to be cold with a man that made ​​his life something true . His books are delicious for thought, acute for the heart , but above all, food for the man.

Monday, May 30, 2016

My favorite festivity

My Favorite festivity is freedom's festivity, festivity of  immanence, abandonment, love and rebirth... ¡My birthday!. My audience will have to forgive my individualism , but must trust that I have philosophical reasons for this (Max Stirner liked this) .

This celebration is celebrated on march 14 every year in my home and if I'm not in it, where my presence is accompanied by a friend. Although I must say that the main interest in its celebration is my mother.

The origin of this festival is due to the birth of a child , joy and promise of salvation for some people.

I do different activities during the festival, but it are typical family breakfast and delicious food, family luch and delicious food, and dinner family and delicious food. Of course offerings to me never missing, people update the promise of salvation through these rituals .

Finally, I have to say just because I like... and tell you this : When it is May 14 , I  being for death (Heidegger liked this) , I am forced to turn attention to the birth. It is a call to rebirth. Born from the ashes. ¡Rise!

Friday, May 20, 2016

The Plot

I’m not sure if this is my favorite photograph but, it's the unique what I remember that I like specially. I don't now who took it, apparently the camera.

With you, ladies and gentlemen, up Jacques Lacan, Cecile Eluard, Pierre Reverdy, Louis Leiris, Pablo Picasso, Zanie Campan, Valentine Hugo, Simone de Beauvoir, Brassaï, and down Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Michel Leiris, Jean Abier. 

This picture is epic, so vitalist how brotherly. It's a reunion for read "El deseo atrapado por la cola" by Picasso. The picture is from nineteen fourthyfor in Rue des Grands-Augustins of Parìs. I like this photo because in that time Paris was in possession by Germany -I remember that, if not, forget it, the next comment will be a fiction-, and in that context, this reunion of intellectual's man is a really plot or insurgent act by the most sublime humanity and full of brotherly, except Albert Camus and Jean Paul Sartre, but this is other story...

Friday, April 29, 2016

Bunbury, I chose youuuuu

It is tortuous chose only one, this it's a bloodthirsty work... with pain, but with rapture too. Well... I chose for this work (ta ta ta tan) Enrique Bunbury!. He is the ex vocalist and leader of Heroes del Silencio, the mythical rockband of Spain. In 1996 Heroes del Silencio broke and Bunbury started his singer career in 1997 with Radical Sonora album, a farewell to the rock more traditional and the hard rock (That was a Electronic and Industrial rock album). Now he have eight studio albums and seven live albums. Bunbury is a eclectic man, his center is in the Rock, but from he we listen blues, jazz, tango, country, bolero and vals too. 

I like Bunbury because his melodys and lyrics are very emotional (together). Bunbury know the hidden face of the moon, and in his songs he transmit his desperation, melancholy but vitalism too... Maybe all Bunbury music is a appeal for love and entertainment.

Whaaaat? I need to choice with tear a only one musician... and that's not all, I need to choice the favorite song too...  ok, I choice Prisioneros. Why? Because this song say all. 

Friday, April 22, 2016

My favorite piece of Technology

Northrop Frye said one time that the more efficient machine that humanity have invent is the book. I don`t now what he has wanted to say with "Efficient" but I now why is my favorite. 

The book is a group of pieces of papers, and there: worlds. Sorry, "words".  When I got it? I suppose that since I receive my first storybook. But only now I got understand the operation of the Book. It`s necessary make a short ritual to use it. Preferentially I used the book in the morning, close the door of my room and I forget deliberately this ugly world and I proceed to open the book and read the charm. I frequently use the book, one time in a day is the minimum permited. 

I use the book for create a other world to live and other me for live me. A life without books? Answer: A life without self.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Why my career?

When I was a child, I dreamed be a mechanic... Yes, very strange. Well, if we suppose that the automatism of the modern life transform us in robots, maybe there is a connection (I study Psychology now so... Mechanical Psicology? or Psychology for robots?).

I thought study cinematography but the influence of this sad reality was decisive. But I still pursue be a scriptwriter. I have an idea allready for a movie: "The robots that thought were humans" It will be a blockbuster!

My experience in the university is good, it open a new world but it take others world too. I only want write, a lot of storys, scripts or philosophical essay or treatise and lost me there. That is the "work" that I would like to have.

Friday, April 8, 2016

My authobiography

No one must talk about his self, it is duty of others forge the legend of the Hero. But Im' not a hero, so...
My name for the state is Mauricio Araya Schafer. I am twentyone years old and I don't still commit the escape to Wonderland (meanwhile I study Psichology in the University of Chile). Before I studied in San Francisco Javier school, a catholic school... ambivalent experience. 
My family is form for my mom "Jaqui", and my sisters Ariadna and Gabriela. My hobbies are my life. The writting, music, watch movies or simply contemplation of my environment meanwhile my mind is a little trunk pushed by the free movement for the river... so violence is present there, and Im a masochism.

Friday, April 1, 2016


Hello my public!

My weakness are many in English. I'm very bad in any dimension of the English. Vocavulary, grammar, pronunciation... also in speak it, listen it, and writte it. In conclusion, all. ¿My strenght in English? This is a good question. Ok, I must to writte something in this point so... the wish. Yes, the wish (a wish that wait for a miracle). Yes, my strenght is my willpower. Yeah! ¿The expectations? only one (and the unique that I need): make that wish a fact.

Always the hope burst in ours live, only for the fall will be more painful. :(